
Why Choose WaQa

Logistics companies are not made equal

  • Shipment Pre-Planning
  • Shipment Alerts and Confirmations
  • Cargo Tracking and Tracing
  • Customer / Purchase Order Management, Tracking and Tracing
  • Customs Clearance at origin
  • Document Preparation and Distribution
  • Destination Customs Clearance
  • Delivery Verification
  • Quality Control
  • Warehousing & Distribution
  • Order processing
  • inventory management
  • Storage – mapping for each entity
  • Retreiving at the minimum TPT
  • Right product packed - the right box
  • Right product – deliver to right place
  • Track & trace in transit of min – 3 hrs
  • Shipment Pre-Plan
  • Customer / Purchase Order Management
  • Estimated Ex-Factory Tracking and Reporting
  • Shipment Pickup & confirm booking
  • Quality Control at Logistics Provider
  • Pre-Alerts Sent
  • Confirmed on Board
  • Arrival at Destination Tracking and Notification
  • Customs Clearance
  • Proof of Delivery
  • Warehousing & distribution based on customer need
  • Customer complain – reverse logistics
  • Shipment Pre-Plan
  • Customer / Purchase Order Management
  • Estimated Ex-Factory Tracking and Reporting
  • Quality Control at Logistics Provider
  • Shipment Pickup
  • Delivery to Carrier
  • Confirmed on Board
  • Arrival at Destination Tracking and Notification
  • Customs Clearance
  • Proof of Delivery
  • Warehousing & primary/ secondary distribution
  • Customer – complain handling

E.tms: Management Through Exception



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